A psychedelic musical adventure game that lets you explore a surreal universe of sound and vision? Sign me up.
The Artful Escape is not your typical video game. It's more like a interactive album, where you can jam with alien creatures, shred on your guitar, and create your own stage persona. The game is a feast for the eyes and ears, with stunning visuals and an amazing soundtrack.
I don't normally like emotional stories, but The Artful Escape has a good one to tell. The game is also very funny, with witty dialogue and hilarious characters that poke fun at the music industry and pop culture. The Artful Escape is a game that celebrates creativity and expression.
The only area the game actually falls behind in is the actual gameplay. The epic guitar solos are fantastic to listen to, but the platforming itself is very barebones and does not provide nearly enough quality to keep up with the music. This is an absolute shame, because this game would have been a 5/5 were it not for the gameplay.

If you're looking for a unique and fun experience, you should definitely check out The Artful Escape. 3/5.
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